- Can I get delivery to PO box addresses?
No, We use express shipping services from Royalmail, DHL,Collectplus etc. and as per their policy they do not accept any parcel for PO Box address for security measures. We need your complete home/office address for delivery.

- How do I exchange my damage product?
If you received a product in damage condition we will exchange it or replace its parts depending on customer requirements. We need Damage Product images for generating claim to logistic company, after receiving images we will Ship you a new Item and you do not need to return damage item. Also shipping company will contact you to generate damage report and you have to provide them full damage report.

- How do I know my order has been placed?
Just after the successful payment buyers receive an email regarding their order no and item no with other important details, Email confirms the successful orders. In case no email is received please check your spam folders if still no email please contact us at contact@royalnautical.co.uk

- What is the delivery time?
Royal Nautical  usually ships the item within 1 working day, some items takes time to get processed because of their run time production. Customers get email regarding purchase and status of their orders with online order tracking details. If customer does not receive any email regarding their order we apologize for this inconvenience. Please email us at contact@royalnautical.co.uk  for fast resolution